Phragmites Control in Red Willow County

Aerial spraying of phragmites and salt cedar on the Republican River in Red Willow county was completed in October 2019. This work had been in the planning stages for 2 years. Grant funding provided from the Nebraska Department of Agriculture and Nebraska Environmental Trust allowed for approximately 38 miles of the Republican River to be flown by helicopter with over 40 acres of phragmites and salt cedar sprayed.

Salt Cedar and Russian Olive Removal Dundy County

Work was completed in Dundy County in March 2020 to control salt cedar and russian olive trees. Working with landowners, a contractor was hired to cut and stack trees on approximately ¾ mile of Arikaree Creek which was heavily infested. Additional work is being planned for 2020 as funds become available.


Medicine Creek Channel Clearing

Working with Twin Valley Weed Management Area, approximately 12 miles of Medicine Creek in Furnas, Red Willow and Frontier counties were cleared of deadfall timber, driftwood and non-desirable vegetation. This work will improve channel capacity, water conveyance to irrigators, water quality and allow for access to control invasive and non-desirable vegetation. Contractors began work at the confluence of the Republican River and Medicine Creek near Cambridge, NE. Coordination with the City of Cambridge, Frenchman-Cambridge Irrigation District, Bureau of Reclamation and landowners was needed to ensure access and low flow conditions.


Eastern Red Cedar and Russian Olive Tree Removal

Removal of Russian olive and eastern red cedar trees in Red Willow, Hitchcock, Dundy, Hayes and Frontier counties was completed in March 2020. Working with 30 landowners, Southwest Weed Management worked on approximately 9,000 acres. All work was performed in the channel or within ½ mile of rivers, creeks or intermittent flowing streams. A variety of techniques, including heavy equipment, skid steers and chainsaws were utilized to clear the areas.


Identification of Infested Sites

We have verified the presence of phragmites on Medicine Creek in Frontier County, and the Republican River in Dundy County. We will perform inspections of the Republican River in Hitchcock County in 2020. Spraying herbicide on these sites will control these invasive species.